Age doesn’t have a place in music anymore; you can skim down the list of the hottest talent touring the country to see that. Emma Louise represents this new wave of youth pushing beyond their years, and with the VS head VS heart tour she surrounds herself with supporting artists that fit that criteria and heads to Canberra.
On one of those typical freezing nights only the capital can produce the audience flocked out in droves, dwarfing acts this reviewer has seen at the Zierholz before.
Bounding on stage it was fellow Queensland act Thelma Plum that needed to get the blood pumping and started off the night on a soulful note. Early in her music career the 19-year-old rounded a strong applause from songs from her recent EP, especially signature rendition Father Said.
When Emma Louise took to the stage surrounded by her five-piece band it was a strangely quieter set. Songs from new album VS head VS heart hit a sincere note and kept the audience from stirring much throughout the hour.
Playing lesser-known songs as Morning Eyes were well received but it wasn’t until the familiar tune to Jungle and Boy that people vocalised some appreciation.
Emma Louise put on a strong if not soft-spoken performance that was more focused on mesmerizing the audience than wowing. While this is her most extensive tour to date Emma Louise is surely an act to watch on her inevitable return to the capital.
Just make sure you wear more layers than I did.