Whether you’re a new kid on the uni block, a seasoned academic or just someone looking for some cool tunes and a place to party, Orientation week in Canberra is always a good time of the year to venture out for a drink and a bit of a laugh. Saturday night’s gig O Yeah! at the Zierholz bar at UC presented the perfect opportunity to do just that!

Featuring local music scene talents Safia, Lavers and Dahrnoir, this beach themed party did not lack cool tunes to keep the chilled vibes on a high. Supported by three of Canberra’s hottest DJ’s, Sammy Soundslike, Luke Jaimes and Chief, there was never a dull moment.

Arriving at the venue, I was greeted at the door (free of charge) with a warm welcome as the second act Lavers begun their set. With catchy alt-rock beats, comparing to that of Brit-rockers Oasis or Jeff Buckley, Lavers music filled the room with a very cool atmosphere.

Ironically, as the theme of the night was Beach Party, and Canberra’s hilarious weatherman decided to drop the temperature by twenty degrees, having the poor partygoers shivering in their coconut bras and hula skirts.

While the last band Safia prepped for their set, I strategically settled in right next to the bucking mechanical surfboard that provided me with great entertainment by throwing fully grown bikini clad men through the air.

With a unique mix of electronic and vocal sounds, Safia’s layered soundtrack provided the audience with something to move their feet to. Having played at Canberra’s Foreshore Summer Music Festival in 2012, I could see what all the hype surrounding this unique band was about.

After the bands had finished, I found myself feeling a tad over-dressed in a blazer and jeans, surrounded by groups of keen party people, most of whom were dressed in scuba suits and seagull feathers. Despite my bad choice of wardrobe, luck was in my favour. I was approached by the delightful Anna, UC Live’s event organiser, to judge the best-dressed contest.

With an array of generous prizes being given away, such as a Nine Day Thai Island Hopper Contiki Tour and Groovin’ The Moo tickets, the pressure was on for me to pick the most deserving candidates. After struggling to decide between a keen scuba diver, who stayed in his flippers and snorkel all night, and a shark-woman, I decided shark-woman should stay at the top of the food chain, and I awarded her the Contiki trip. Not a bad way to win a nine-day holiday! With prizes like this on offer there was no doubt in my mind I would be going all-out in the costume department next year…

Not being a UC student myself and feeling a bit out of place upon my arrival, by the end of the night I didn’t want to leave. With a belly full of affordable wine, an earful of tasty tunes and a heart full of friendly conversation, this well organised shindig was well worth the venture out to UC.