May is a significant occasion in Mexico. It’s the month that celebrates Cinco de Mayo, the celebration of an unlikely victory by the Mexican army over the French in 1862. Similar to ANZAC Day, every year on 5th May, Mexicans pause to examine their ethnicity and their culture.

In the spirit of battle, Mad Mex hosts on a month-long promotion to take on their 1kg burrito. Finish the burrito, and you can select from one of four wrestling masks. Those of you who were recently introduced to Miguel Hambriento know that this was a challenge he couldn’t possibly resist.

OutInCanberra joined in on the ride to see if, much like at Puebla over 150 years ago, a victory could be claimed.

The great news is that you can choose whatever toppings you want to ensure that your palate can endure the task ahead. Miguel went for pork and chicken, and looked somewhat concerned as the two tortillas were covered in corn, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, guacamole and pretty much every other ingredient you could hope to stuff into a burrito. The result? An absolute whopper that tipped the scales at 1.26kgs!

Armed with only a bottle of water and a gritty determination, Miguel steadied himself at the table. The countdown commenced and, right on the buzzer, he kicked off the challenge to conquer ‘la burrito monstruoso’.

So, how did he go? Well, the challenge was completed… and in an impressive time of 5 minutes 36 seconds. While speed is not the aim, it was a good effort (although almost twice as long as the reigning champion).

For more info on the Mad Mex Challenge, click here.

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