Online web store, Jammies, specialises in the popular adult ‘onesie’ which is sure to help blast away the winter blues!
Fashion designer Janette Lenk and Marketing Manager of the Canberra Racing Club, Briony Young are the women behind the online store and are bringing you a colourful mix of jammies to choose from. The jammies range from the plain one-piece to the popular Hood, Bum, Feet range with plain colours or cute ducks or dot polar fleece fabrics.
As an OutInCanberra subscriber, you have the chance to win one of five pairs of Jammies.
For your chance to win, tell us in 25 words or less why you want to wear a onesie this winter and what onesie you would choose from
Click Here
The competition closes on Wednesday 5th June at 5pm and only winners will be notified.