Green Faces is a comedy competition held at The Canberra Irish Club every year and you have the chance to win a double pass to Thursday night’s show!

With hosts like Heath Franklins Chopper, Felicity Ward, Eddie Ifft, Fiona O’Loughlin, Dave O’Neill, Trevor Marmalade, Russell Gilbert and more, 2012 is sure to be the best season ever!

The Canberra Irish Club is giving away 10 double passes to tomorrow night’s show to see Dave O’Neil in action. The show starts at 8pm and is sure to have you falling off your seat with laughter.

To win a double pass to tomorrow night’s show, tell us in 25 words or less at what age did Dave O’Neil start his stand-up comedian career.

The competition closes on Thursday 9th August at 12pm. Only winners will be notified.