With a bright winter sky and crisp bite in the air, the truffle hunt has begun.

The kids seem to be as excited as the dogs, running ahead of the group and wanting to be the first to get their noses to the ground to sniff out the elusive truffle prize.

For someone who knows little about truffle, the whole experience is a new one. The European treasure is now grown in and around the Canberra region, making truffle readily available in local restaurants, cafes and even wineries at this time of year. And that many of the growers open their doors to public to be part of the hunts, is an added bonus.

There are two local truffle farms in Sutton – one called Blue Frog Truffle Farm and the other called Trufflegate, having a large, bright red duck mailbox – which I find amusing. I wonder if their dog is called Yellow Spot?

But in all seriousness, we had an in-depth briefing by the grower, then an extended period actually in the trees with the dogs, finding the black gold. Then we got to see how the truffle is cleaned and graded, and we were given a warming soup with truffle, with a sweet little something to top it off.

I left with a whole new view and appreciation of truffle. Maybe the French really were onto something after all?

For more info about the next truffle hunt Click Here