From Amateur to Artist is a five-part documentary series directed and produced by Julia Faragher. The documentary explores the journey of five talented Canberran, artists: Ali Clinch, Faith Kerehona, Bre Lily, Tina Nikolovski and Lucy Sugerman. Dealing with themes such as motherhood, mental health, femininity, social justice, growing up and creativity, this is a film event not to be missed.  The premiere screening will be followed by a Q&A and networking opportunity, and a chance to meet the incredible artists who feature in From Amateur to Artist. 

Meet the artists 


Faith uses street art as a medium to focus on the relationships humans have with the environment, the world and each other. Sustainability, racism, metamorphosis and technology are themes that frequently reoccur in her captivating and diverse works. 


Tina is a Canberra-based photographer with a natural eye for the perfect shot. She’s been published in almost every magazine worth reading, and has founded her own modelling agency.  


Using inspiration from Australian native flowers and foliage, Bre has developed her brand around promoting the beautiful wildlife of Australia. Producing fully handcrafted jewelers, she uses all sorts of materials to create breath-taking necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more.  

Faith Kerehona
Bre Lily
Tina Nikolovski


Ali is an award-winning actor & director specialising in the effectiveness of theatre as a tool for education, engagement and social change. Ali’s theatre experience includes: actor, director, musician, scriptwriter, choreographer, lighting designer & stage manager.   


Lucy is a seventeen-year-old performer and songwriter from Canberra. Playing all kinds of events and venues from pubs to weddings to corporate events, Lucy has been performing around Canberra since she was just nine years old. In 2017, Lucy sold out her first headline show at the Street Theatre and signed with Universal Music Australia as a songwriter and recording artist. 

A truly diverse range of artists, both in the sense of artistic styles and backgrounds. Purchase your tickets now 

When: 6pm, Thursday 14th March, 2019.
Where: Palace Electric Cinema, 2 Phillip Law Street, New Acton, 2601
Ticketing: $10 per ticket 

Ali Clinch
Lucy Sugerman

For your chance to win a double pass, tell us in the box below which one of these local female artists you would want to brush shoulders with and why?

Amateur to Artist